
How to Choose the Wildest Contact Lenses?

Want to get a wild look that adds special effects to your costume? How about vampire/Halloween contacts? There are so many wildest contacts available to choose from such as cat, vampire contacts, zombie and many more. Change your eye's appearance with fiery red contacts, green contacts, twilight contacts, or anything that seems to be enough for a wilder look.

Colored Circle Contacts: For Big, Expressive Eyes!

Colored circle contacts are special types of contact lenses with different types, color, style, size, brand and diameter. These give your eyes an extravagant look, while modifying the color of the iris that tends to look slightly bigger and lively. You can also select a colored contact matching to your overall appearance, such as face, costumes or hairstyles.

Get lively and larger eyes with Colored circle lens:

Circle contacts, otherwise known as Big Eyes lens, are popular for its enlargement effect on the eyes due to its limbal ring. The surrounded limbal ring gives a lively effect to the eyes by enhancing user’s appearance. A wearer easily creates a visible impression by wearing circle lens with better enlargement effect that gives them big, more expressive eyes.

How to Apply Eye Makeup with Colored Contacts?

Colored contact lenses are hip, trendy and readily available in a variety of colors such as black contacts, blue contacts and many more. You can choose an outfit and a makeup that goes best with your colored contacts. If you are using contact lens, you need to very careful about your eye makeup. A single mismatch can lead to a big fashion disaster. So, tweak your eye makeup accordingly with some basic procedures.

Using Contact Lenses? Stop Making Eye Damaging Mistakes

Statistics reveal that over 3.5 billion people have common eyesight problems such as: astigmatism, myopia and hypermetropia, which compels them to wear contact lenses or eyeglasses to correct refractive errors. Apparently, having the perfect 20/20 clear vision is a luxury nowadays. No wonder, we see at least 3 in 10 people wearing glasses or contacts, and moreover, if we consider people who regularly wear colored contact lenses, the figure will be higher. Although glasses are the common choice of correcting eyesight issues, the trend of wearing contact lenses is catching up fast; It's comfortable, less obstructing and looks natural on the wearer. This brings us to the real topic – top eye damaging mistakes (or you could call habits) many contact lens wearers commit without realizing.

Care and Maintenance of Colored Contacts

Do you want a change in your eye color? Getting bored with your dull boring eyes? Colored contacts are now in demand! People prefer more on colored contact lenses such as sharingan contacts, toric contacts or contacts of different colors (blue, red, black, yellow, green, violet and many more). These are really wonderful and can create a great impact on your look. These colored contacts are amazing in enhancing your look and appearance in any occasions.

Sharingan contacts are the latest hit among all the contact lens collections. These are specially designed for party and fun. But, while using contact lenses, you should be aware of its maintenance. Here are some important points below: